Brandon Meiners | Director of Agronomy
The Right Tool for the Job
A practical guideline in agriculture is to “use the right tool for the job”. This adage encapsulates a principle that, when applied correctly, can solve problems and increase productivity. Using a tool at the right time and in the right way will minimize risks, ensure efficiency and optimize outcomes. Using the wrong tool, or, choosing the right tool but using it in the wrong way or at the wrong time, will lead to wasted effort, frustration and unintended consequences. We here at Midwestern BioAg, provide effective tools and education to help you, the grower, maximize your tools’ effectiveness by providing solutions for your needs.
The Right Tools
What makes a great tool is its ability to be effective. Today, growers have many available tools, yet are challenged with multiple fertility issues such as inefficient fertilizers, soils that are lacking biological activity, water holding capacity, and more. Midwestern BioAg’s Bio-Gel® technology is a tool that can solve many of the challenges that growers are facing by increasing fertilizer efficiency through the prevention of nutrient tie-up, increasing water holding capacity and stimulating biological life.
The right tool is identified by understanding the right issue. For example, if you are struggling with water holding capacity, placing Bio-Gel® in-furrow at planting would best solve for retaining water within the root zone during the season. If the issue is the inefficiencies of common fertilizers such as UAN, pairing Bio-Gel® with those products—either at planting or side-dress—will help to prevent those nutrients from tie-up, leaching and oxidation. When looking to increase soil biology levels, placing Bio-Gel® in the soil is best but can also be achieved through a preemergence broadcast spray.
Bio-Gel® is truly a unique tool in that it can solve multiple in-field needs. We take great pride in creating tools for farmers that work. Midwestern BioAg has the resources to help you identify needs, assess what tool is best to solve those needs, and advise how to effectively use those tools to bring value to your soil and your pocketbook.