Financial Institutions & Land Funds

Helping farmers to achieve greater crop resiliency, and better soil and crop health.

We work with financial institutions who have farm clients struggling to stay above water.

MBA Forward Thinking

Building farm value

We work with financial institutions who have farm clients struggling to stay above water. The banks know we can help farmers generate yield and profits in the short term; they also know we can build the farm’s value over the long term. Land funds see that the short-term yield gains can ensure stable rent payments, and the improvements in soil health can increase the value of the underlying asset. Those purchasing land portfolios with the intent of converting them to organic understand we can make the transition period more profitable with greater crop resiliency, and better soil and crop health.

Want to learn more about how we work with Financial Institutions?
MBA Forward Thinking

Better Practices

Expanding the use of biological agriculture products and practices

Animal Nutrition

We take a systems-approach to herd management to help producers grow better quality, higher-yielding forages that reduce dependency on supplemental feeds and minerals.

Contract Growing & Large Food Companies

Several large food companies have called on us to help them expand their supply of organic food and forage. This leads us to reach out to a larger circle of growers interested in transitioning to organic.

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Organic Farming

We don’t believe in the “organic by neglect” approach, which suggests that stopping the use of pesticides, herbicides and synthetic nutrients is enough.

Organic Transition

We help farmers and growers build a reservoir of nutrients in their soil with a build-up of soil organic matter, to prime the fields for better production.