January’s Soil Nutrition Market Update with Ron Mason

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Early planning is key to securing supply for spring

Ammonium Sulfate

Ammonium Sulfate price will increase as move to current market price levels. Expect AMS to continue to increase before spring. Demand has been strong across the industry, and supplies are still expected to remain tight for the spring application season.


Urea has shown some upticks in prices, which in turn affects ESN and Super U. Both are up from last month’s price levels.


Phosphates finally took a small step back in price. Although current prices have dropped, manufacturers expect demand to still be enough to sustain price points and spring increases.


Potash seems to have finally hit a floor with prices holding for a period of time and showing some strength moving closer to spring. SOP (0-0-60) continues to hold steady. KMAG and TRIO both saw an increase in price and are not expected to drop before or during the spring application season.


TerraNu® production is coming online for early season shipments. In order to get the maximum tons shipped for spring, we recommend customers consider taking product now. Customers who bought bins should be taking product now as that allows for product security later when you need it. Customers who wait until in season risk not getting product as timely as they would like it or possibly not getting product at all.

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