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2018 TerraNu® Soybean On-farm Trials

Key Results

  • 80% of all TerraNu trials showed an increased yield vs. the grower standard blend.
  • 70% of all TerraNu trials demonstrated improved nutrient uptake (N, P, K and micronutrients) in tissue testing performed at V5 and R3.



All 2018 TerraNu Trials

  • 3 bu./acre average yield increase, with a high of 9 bu./acre yield advantage recorded in Wisconsin.
  • 80% of trials showed an increased yield vs. grower standard blends.
  • 75% of trials showed improved nutrient use efficiency at R3 (N, P, K and micronutrients).
  • TerraNu increased soybean oil content by 10%.
  • Trials conducted in: IL, IN, MN, MO, NE, OH, SD and WI.

TerraNu Blends

  • Enhance your soybean fertilizer blend with TerraNu Technology.

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